Date & Time | Speaker | Title | Host |
Sep 7 | Stephen Melczer (University of Waterloo) | A Geometric Approach to Analytic Combinatorics | Local |
Sep 21 | Giovanni Russo (Florida International University) | Nearly Kahler metrics and torus symmetry | Spiro |
Sep 28 | Mykola Matviichuk (Imperial College London) | Elliptic Log Symplectic Brackets on Projective Bundles | Ruxandra |
Oct 5 | Sasha Zotine (Queen's University) | Kawaguchi-Silverman Conjecture for Projectivized Bundles over Curves | Matt |
Oct 12 | Reading Week | ||
Oct 26 | Lukas Müller (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics ) | Quantum representations of handlebody groups | Aleksandar |
Nov 9 | Frederik Benirschke (University of Chicago) | Isometric embeddings and totally geodesic submanifolds of Teichmüller spaces | Aleksandar |
Nov 16 | Junsheng Zhang (UC Berkeley) | On complete Calabi-Yau manifolds asymptotic to cones | Xuemiao |
Nov 23 | Freid Tong (Harvard University) | On some new Monge-Ampere functionals and related PDEs | Spiro |
Holidays | |||
Jan 11 | Lawrence Mouillé (Syracuse University) | Positive intermediate Ricci curvature with maximal symmetry rank | Spiro |
Jan 18 | Changho Han (University of Waterloo) | Extending the torelli map to alternative compactifications of the moduli space of curves | Local |
Jan 25 | Panagiotis Dimakis (Université du Québec à Montréal, CIRGET) | The moduli space of solutions to the dimensionally reduced Kapustin-Witten equations on Σ×R+ | Benoit |
Feb 1 | Michael Francis (University of Western Ontario) | Local normal forms in complex bk geometry | Mike |
Feb 8 | Rosie Wanchun Shen (Harvard University) | Du Bois singularities, rational singularities, and beyond | Matt |
Feb 15 | Carlos Valero (McGill) | The Calderón problem for U(N)-connections coupled to spinors | Benoit |
Feb 22 | Reading Week | ||
Feb 29 | Ákos Nagy (BEIT Canada) | On the hyperbolic Bloch transform | Benoit |
Mar 5 (Special, 2:30pm-3:30pm, MC 5403) | Guillermo Gallego (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) | Multiplicative Higgs bundles, monopoles and involutions | Benoit |
Mar 7 | Andy Royston (Penn State University) | Solitons and the Extended Bogomolny Equations with Jumping Data | Benoit |
Mar 14 | Charles Cifarelli (CIRGET & Stony Brook) | Steady gradient Kähler-Ricci solitons and Calabi-Yau metrics on Cn | Xuemiao |
Mar 21 | François Greer (Michigan State University) | Finiteness of monodromy for fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds | Aleksandar |
Mar 28 | Alex Waldron (UW-Madison) | Parabolic gap theorems for the Yang-Mills functional | Xuemiao |
May 2 | Ragini Singhal (ULB) | Nearly half-flat SU(3)-structures on S3 x S3 | Spiro |
May 30 | Sergey Grigorian (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley) | Algebraic structures on parallelizable manifolds | Spiro |
June 20 | Scott Wilson (CUNY) | Higher-homotopical BV-structures on the differential forms of symplectic and complex manifolds | Aleksandar |
July 11 | Peter Crooks (Utah State University) | Lie-theoretic constructions in the Moore-Tachikawa category | Elana & Ruxandra |
July 25 | Ethan Ross (University of Toronto) | Quantization of Stratified Spaces | Ruxandra |
Our seminar is held regularly in the Fall and Winter terms (September-April) including some special talks in the Spring term (May-August).
This webpage is maintained by Xuemiao Chen. If you have any questions, please email me.
Records: Jan 2023-Aug 2023